Kindness & Choice
What might we create...
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My role is to hold space, be present and witness you as the being you are. My joy is partnering with you in exploration and empowerment, teaching tools and ways of being that can allow greater peace and wholeness.
Julie Ma rgo
 Energetic Facilitator
 Health and Wellness Educator
Schedule my free consultation!
Liquid Light
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doTERRA® Essential Oils and the benefits they offer, folded into my practice in 2010. I continue to learn, experience and be amazed at the changes these gifts of the earth have brought to my life.

doTERRA sources more than 200 essential oils and other ingredients from over 45 countries. Co-Impact Sourcing is our commitment to ethical sourcing. Projects include helping to create grower co-ops, building wells also building or repairing schools and hospitals.
Energetic Facilitation
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Are you searching for new possibilities of well-being?

How might life be different if you released patterns of thought and behavior that may be hindering you in moving in the direction of the life you want to create?

I facilitate tools, techniques and processes to support your personal healing journey. The target is releasing that which no longer serves you and creating space for new possibilities of healing and growth.
Money Talk
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doTERRA International® is a Direct Sales company andI have been a Wellness Advocate since 2010. I continue to experience the changes initiated by incorporating essential oils into my daily life. I love having even more tools with which to interact with my well-being in a present and ease-filled way.

As evidence and experience compound we naturally desire those we care about to have similar change and ease in their lives. This really is the basis of a doTERRA business.
What do I want you to know?  Change is possible, even probable.
What do I want you to do?  Choose for you.
What do I want to contribute to you?  Information and invitation.
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